A workshop was held as part of the project "Role and rights of the public in environmental protection in Lika"

Published: 25. 04. 2024 - 2:00
Lika destination - A workshop was held as part of the project

The Lika Destination cluster, in cooperation with the primary school of Dr. Jure Turić in Gospić and the Velebit Nature Park, is implementing a project called "The role and rights of the public in environmental protection in Lika" which is co-financed by the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency. The goal of this project is to inform and advise the public in Lika about its role and rights in environmental protection.

Today, a workshop was held in the premises of Dr. Jure Turić's elementary school in Gospić, which brought together fourth-grade students. The principal of the school, Mr. Ivica Radošević, warmly greeted all present and opened the workshop, emphasizing the importance of educating young people about environmental protection.

Two topics were presented to the students at the workshop. An employee of the Lika Destination Cluster, Anamaria Matulj, presented the topic of environmental protection in Lika, while an employee of the Velebit Nature Park, Marija Petry, a senior expert advisor for the protection and preservation of natural heritage and the ecological network, spoke about a safe stay in nature.

The students followed the presentations with great interest and actively participated by asking questions. The workshop provided an opportunity for students to better understand the importance of environmental protection in their local area and to become aware of their role and responsibility in preserving nature.


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