Dairy Runolist

IQM Members - Dairy Runolist
- Krasno 105 C, 53274, Krasno Polje
- 098 186 2905
- siranarunolist@gmail.com
- web
Tomaić Commerce d.o.o. is a family company with multiannual experience in cheese production. The base business revolves around buying and processing of milk, production of cheese and other dairy products. Along with base activities, the company is active in retail and wholesale of cheese and dairy products through its own retail, as well as providing various chain stores throughout the Republic of Croatia.
They have come a long way since their modest beginnings in 1992: they learned, developed, implemented new information and technologies, in order to meet the customers’ needs appropriately. Their advantage is respect for the traditional cheese production, as well as use of highest quality milk from cows and sheep that graze on ecologically pure pastures and implementation of traditional recipes, and all that in accordance with the highest hygiene standards and wholesomeness of the produce. This work approach has resulted in creation of their own brand Sirana “Runolist“. The owners have every right to be proud of it, because their cheeses have been recognized with numerous Croatian and international awards and acknowledgements.
In order to adequately present their produce, they have built an educational hallway in their cheese factory, which shows different steps in cheese production, as well as a cheese- tasting room, where you can try and taste all the cheeses and drink some quality wine. Family Tomaić’s tasting room is located in Krasno. The cheese factory “Runolist“ bases its cheese and dairy production on long-time experience, traditional recipes and domestic milk.