Cesarica butchery nr. 802 craft for processing and conserving of meat

IQM Members - Cesarica butchery nr. 802 craft for processing and conserving of meat
- Dubrave 1, Cesarica, 53288, Karlobag
- +385 98 445 010
- alenka.cesarica@gmail.com
Products with the Lika Quality label:
Velebit pancetta
Dry sirloin Lax kare
Dry sausage
The Cesarica slaughterhouse business entered the register in 1998. The abstract from the Register of the approved objects shows the affirmation of business with animal products issued by the Veterinary Administration, as well as the analytical report of the Agroinspekt laboratory.
The meat is delivered to the room for pancetta reception – salting room, where the salting lasts for 15 days. On the first day of the second phase, the meat is washed in water by submersion, after which it is placed in the drying rooms. In there it is technologically and procedurally dried, in natural manner, by means of wind and smoke, which can last from 60 to 90 days, depending on the weather conditions. The natural resource of wind is utilized because the bora wind dries the meat. After this process, the dried meat is placed in a maturing chamber and placed in the market 8 months later, ready for sale.